Monday, June 15, 2020

June 2020 - wc, turkey, swimming

Liza pointed woodcock a few times, probably nesting birds or with a clutch.
She holds point until I say "Liza, what's there?" then she moves in and flushes.
Took her 3 years to become a bird dog!!!
She searches well, independently from Luna, who at almost 6 begins to slow down a bit.
Liza found and flushed a large flock of turkey chicks two days in a row at Kirby park on a hill.
There were at least 15 pigeon sizes chicks and two hens. They all fly. The first day Liza caught a chick, it was dead, so I dropped in on the trail and it was gone the next day, coyote must have picked it up. I took the dogs away, so they don't catch more chicks.
Liza swims a bit, she would swim not far from a shore just for fun. She swims after ducks and or a stick, no problem.