Wednesday, September 20, 2017

fetching Sep 20

I haven't done anymore work with birds, waiting for the hunting season to have her on wild birds, primarily on woodcock around here in October

She's really gotten better with simple retrives, she's very enthusiactic, always runs and picks up the dummy happily, most of the times she returns to me, sometimes she will circle or go lie down, esp in the yard and chew on the object, the more valuable the object, more likely she's to do it.
She also chews when she delivers to me, we'll fix it in the winter with teaching HOLD, when there's nothing else to do.

When she's chasing rabbits on morning walks, she's giving tongue (laut)

The e-collar intro is not going all that well, nothing wrong is just I can't figure out the right intensity, I can't tell if she's getting the stim or not sometimes. I got my Dogtra collars from repairs I will try those maybe.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Pigeons Sep 9

Mike's farm
11 am
good breeze
light dew on grass, knee high

I planted 2 pigeons in cages again, but this time it didn't work all that well.
I think I reached the limitation of manual release by pulling the string.
There was a lot of commotion and confusion, between 'spare' bird flapping in my hand to the juvenile pigeon that wouldn't fly when I flipped the cage.
I don't think Liza learned anything.
I will consider steadying her to flush, but perhaps I better wait for the next summer with that.
As far as searching and pointing, she'll be better off on wild birds, woodcock.
The dogs are already finding wc, when we go out. Both old dogs pointed some recently.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

e-c intro, fetching

I used e-c for the first time today, Liza is about 5.5 months old.
She's been wearing the e-c for a few weeks now, not every time out, but quite a bit.
I used CC in the backyards and command HERE, it worked OK.
I need to find the time to do more of the training....

I continue to give her few retrieves, not even every day. She's doing OK, delivering to hand most of the times. She's actually better in the school parking lot with no distractions, in the backyard she's still trying to go around me and lie down to chew the dummy.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Pigeons Sep 2 2017

Mike's farm
knee high grass, wet
10 am
sunny 14 C
wind 0 to light breeze

I planted 2 homers in cages and brought 3 barn pigeons with me to shoot.

The first bird Liza pointed from 8-9 m, she stood there for a bit, I stepped between her and the bird, turned around to get sun at my back, not my eyes and thres barn pigeon in the air, it went up and I shot it. Liza marked it, went to investigate, picked it up after a bit of sniffing and came to me. I didn't take the bird from her, but walked with her. After a while I took the bird from her.
This went really well.

The second bird she pointed from about 25-30 m, I couldn't believe it, she didn't lock on the bird, she didn't know exactly where it was, but she knew it was there and she was standing, after a bit she relocated and pointed closer and exactly at the bird (may be 6-7 m). I let go another barn pigeon and fully intended to shoot it, but this one flew very low and Liza was chasing it, so I didn't risk a shot.
The pigeon made a circle as they often do and came back to me. Here I may have made a mistake, I am not sure yet. I shot at the pigeon twice and I missed :( Well, hopefully she didn't learn anything wrong from this. When Liza came back I released the bird in the cage, Liza pinned this one, the bird was a bit slow to take off and Liza was a bit too close. I get in trouble if those don't come back to the coop and pinning birds is not good either, so without much thinking I grabbed the bird from Liza and let it go, it flew away. This was definitely not good, she doesn't need to think she can catch them.

Then I went back to cage #1 which still had a bird in it, I don't recall now what I did there, but nothing remarkable.

I should have stopped after the first bird, quit while you're ahead.