Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nov 6 or 7 - wc hunt - the last one of the season Conslusion

Rob's farm
4 pm
cold 4 C
few snow flurries

Luna pointed beautifully 3 wc, I missed all of them!!!
One flushed into my face, I had to turn around and shoot в угон

Ivy bumped one bird, but she was close to me and 'birdy' so I saw it and shot, but missed too.

Dogs swam in the lake, despite the cold, I guess the water is still not that cold.

So all in all
Luna is great
Ivy is slow and old
Liza is worth than useless

Ivy and Liza learned to sit and wait for me to go to Luna's points (by GPS) pretty well.
They usually wait until I shoot or call them.
Although they might whine a bit.

Looks like I got out 20 times (running the dogs in the park and hunting)
Didn't make a single trip to Tiny.
Shot may be 10 wc, with the best day being hunting Luna alone and shooting 4 birds, missing 2-3 other solid points.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Nov 5 - wc train

11 am
6 C
mostly cloudy

moved approx 12 wc, Luna pointed some, the rest were bumps.

One bird I saw Luna pointing and Liza saw it and jumped in. She needs to be trained!!!!

Nov 2 wc hunt

Rob's place

Ivy pointed one and I shot it.
Luna pointed 3 times, one I saw flush (probably because I was yelling at Liza to sit)
I shot at it, but missed. One left w/o shot and one I didn't see.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nov 1 wc train


Luna pointed 3-4 times, twice Liza took the bird out.

There were 3-4 bumps by dogs, I didn't see which one.